Magnum in Motion Video Podcasts

Produced by Magnum PhotosToday's Pictures
Tuesday, Jan 8, 2008
Monday, Jan 7, 2008
Rainy, Windy Venice
Friday, Jan 4, 2008
Thursday, Jan 3, 2008
Let’s Go Out to the Movies
Join the Fray
Join the Fray
© Martine Franck / Magnum Photos

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Interactive Essays
The Dubai International Film Festival, Or How I Became A PaparazzoEve Arnold, Personalities
The Dubai International Film Festival, Or How I Became A Paparazzo
by Abbas

Glittering skyscrapers built on sand, Christmas trees taller than palm trees, mock Arab architecture, and a ski slope in the desert make the whole of Dubai a film set, its busy inhabitants actors playing in their own script. It was only natural for the burgeoning city to host an international film festival, giving me the chance to become a paparazzo—at last!

Eve Arnold, Personalities
by Eve Arnold

"What I have tried to do is involve the people I was photographing. To have them realize without saying so, that it was up to them to give me whatever they wanted to give me ... if they were willing to give, I was willing to photograph."
- Eve Arnold

Book of the Week
<i>Deep in the Heart of Technology</i>
Deep in the Heart of Technology
by Erich Hartmann
Erich Hartmann was a pioneer in photographing technological components as art objects, bringing into broad view the connections between humans and technology.
Zoom In
by Magnum Photographers
This week’s Zoom In is a conceptual image selection hinging on a photographic composition—where only extremities or heads are left in or out of frame, creating a curious image. (This gallery contains nudity.)
Eli ReedQuote of the Week
What is at the core of my work is, in essence, a meditation on being a human being.
— Eli Reed