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Happy Independence Day!
(c) Magnum Photos
Previous Days
<i>Behind the Veil</i> by Eve ArnoldI'm Ready for My Close-UpSummer Lovin'<i>Luxury</i> by Martin Parr
Jul 2, 2009Jul 1, 2009Jun 30, 2009Jun 29, 2009
Interactive Essay
Book of the Week
Istanbul: City of a Hundred Names
Istanbul: City of a Hundred Names
by Alex Webb
Borders have always intrigued Alex Webb as places where cultures converge under complex circumstances. In his new monograph, Webb displays his unique point of view on the city that lies between Asia and Europe, and he explores the many layers of Istanbul’s transitioning culture and multifaceted history.
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© Marilyn Silverstone / Magnum Photos

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Life as it unfolds in front of the camera is full of so much complexity, wonder and surprise that I find it unnecessary to create new realities. There is more pleasure, for me, in things as-they-are.
David Hurn
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