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The Art of Christo and Jeanne-Claude (1935-2009) The Hills Are Alive! The Bygone FoxhuntThe Velvet Revolution
Nov 20, 2009Nov 19, 2009Nov 18, 2009Nov 17, 2009
Interactive Essay
Book of the Week
Under a Grudging Sun
Under a Grudging Sun
by Alex Webb
In Under a Grudging Sun, Alex Webb focuses on "sad and beguiling Haiti" during the brief period after the departure of its dictator, Jean-Claude Duvalier. Webb had made several trips to Haiti before Duvalier left, but when he first returned during "Haiti Libere," he was struck by the new sense of freedom and openness among the people. Here is the photographic story of that time, when some of the poorest, most oppressed people in the Western Hemisphere had hope for democratic reforms. And here also is the dashing of that hope and the horrifying and violent chaos that enveloped Haiti.
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© Marilyn Silverstone / Magnum Photos

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To take a photograph is to align the head, the eye and the heart. It's a way of life.
Henri Cartier-Bresson
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