Produced by Magnum Photos
Produced by Magnum Photos
Produced by Zena Koo Magnum In Motion
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(c) Magnum Photos
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Polaroid PicturesDriver's EdStreet VendorsAll the Presidents' Busts
Feb 24, 2011Feb 23, 2011Feb 22, 2011Feb 21, 2011
Interactive Essay
Book of the Week
by Gueorgui Pinkhassov
Gueorgui Pinkhassov is a different kind of street photographer, one who transforms the fixed world around him into a swirling study of color and composition. Sightwalk is Pinkhassov’s meditation on the overlooked and subtle beauty of Tokyo’s bustling streets.
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© Marilyn Silverstone / Magnum Photos

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If you're too close to events, you lose perspective. It is not easy to be fair with the facts and keep your own convictions out of the picture. It is almost impossible to be both a participant in the events and their observer, witness, interpreter.
Micha Bar-Am
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