Produced by Magnum Photos
Produced by Magnum Photos
Produced by Kate Phillips, Magnum Photos

Traveling the World

(c) Magnum Photos
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Garden PartiesHappy Birthday, Alfred Hitchcock Shopping MallsLazy Day
Aug 15, 2011Aug 12, 2011Aug 11, 2011Aug 10, 2011
Interactive Essay
Book of the Week
RFK Funeral Train
RFK Funeral Train
by Paul Fusco
Thirty-nine years ago this week in Los Angeles, Robert F. Kennedy was assassinated. A funeral train carried his body from New York City to Washington, D.C. In RFK Funeral Train, Paul Fusco documents the funeral train procession. Despite the hot weather, hundreds of thousands of people stood along the train tracks waiting to pay their respects.
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© Marilyn Silverstone / Magnum Photos

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Always forgetful, I adopted the camera as a memory aid, a means of gathering information, organizing thoughts, holding on to images. Then it didn’t matter if the “real thing” slipped away.
Micha Bar'Am
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