Magnum in Motion Video Podcasts

Produced by Magnum PhotosToday's PicturesProduced by Zena Koo Magnum In Motion
Wednesday, Apr 2, 2008
Play Ball!
Tuesday, Apr 1, 2008
The Dalai Lama in Exile
Monday, Mar 31, 2008
Viva la Causa Chavez!
Friday, Mar 28, 2008
Join the Fray
Join the Fray
© Martine Franck / Magnum Photos

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By choosing a precise intersection between subject and time, [the photographer] may transform the ordinary into the extraordinary and the real into the surreal.
— Constantine Manos
Windy Days
(c) Magnum Photos
Interactive EssaysProduced by Adrian Kelterborn Magnum In Motion
WARS: Chechnya and Iraq
WARS: Chechnya and Iraq
The third in a series of four essays revolving around a common theme

“I’m embedded with the Americans in Iraq. As a Westerner, there is no more access to the insurgent’s side. I don’t claim to have any overview. History made my choice—it’s fine!”

—Thomas Dworzak

Magnum In Motion begins a new format, a series of four essays in which photographers' imagery, experiences, and commentary come together to explore a given theme.

"WARS," the inaugural series was launched on the Magnum In Motion home page on March 19, five years after the war in Iraq began. It will be published in Slate in four episodes.

Our point of departure was a quote extracted from Magnum photographer Philip Jones Griffiths' 2006 interview conducted in London by Magnum In Motion. The British photographer and author of the book Vietnam Inc. (1971) said with tongue in cheek, "Photographers are either mud people or sand people. I'm a mud person." Three photographers covering conflicts today were asked to react to this quote in light of their own experiences documenting wars.

Book of the Week
<i>Jazz de J à ZZ</i>
Jazz de J à ZZ
by Guy Le Querrec
In this hefty book of 390 images, Le Querrec has arranged three decades’ worth of his passion for jazz and for those who invented it. It is a history of diverse events: recorded, experienced, and sometimes initiated by the photographer himself. These photographs are like the music—vibrant.